dimanche 29 novembre 2009

Rory Gallagher : Tatoo'd Lady (2 Vidéos)

Merveilleux Rory, que la Guiness nous a arraché en 1995, qui nous a laissé le souvenir d'un super musicien, au blues-rock versatile et original, à l'énergie immense, à la sincérité totale, à la simplicité désarmante. En plus, ce Tatoo'd Lady nous prouve qu'il était capable de beaux textes. Celui-ci (reproduit sous les vidéos) célèbre les gens du voyage ("Femme aux tatouages, bébé à barbe, ils sont ma famille ; J'ai passé ma jeunesse sous un toit de toile, errant de ville en ville...").

Incapable de choisir entre deux versions live, je vous livre les deux. La première, de 1977, est essentielle , le "core" de ce superbe morceau tel qu'il est devenu célèbre. La seconde, filmée en 1994, plus lyrique, débute sur une intro à l'exotisme inattendu et s'achève sur un solo bouleversant. L'un des commentaires se lit : "Brings tears to my eyes". You're not the only one, friend...
Un site officiel, et de nombreuses pages perpétuent la mémoire du Merveilleux Irlandais. Hear his guitar loudly weep... Miss you Rory.

Tattoo'd Lady,
Bearded baby,
They're my family.

When I was lonely,
Something told me, where,
I could always be.

Where I could,
Wish for pennies,
If we had any.
You'd meet me down,
At the shooting gallery.

Yes I'm a,
Fair ground baby.
Wonder what made me,
Fall for the pearly queen.

I spent my youth,
Under canvas roof,
As I roamed from town to town.

I'm not fooling,
When I say I got no schoolin',
Never like the class bell sound.

From the caravan,
I hear the fairground band,
Sounding good as they can be.

You know I can't be found,
But if you look around,
Tomorrow we'll be gone by dawn.

Now hear it on the loud speaker say,
The fire eater is a real fine sight to see,
Yeah he's a death cheater,
Some kind of central heater,
Be sure to save a seat for me.

Let me tell you 'bout wicked Sadie,
She's no baby,
The law came,
And tried to close her sideshow down.
But soon she had the D.A. cheering,
The police chief wearing,
Her garter for a crown.

I spent my youth,
Under canvas roof,
As I roamed from town to town.

I'm not fooling,
When I say I got no schoolin',
Never like the school bell sound.

From the caravan,
I hear the fairground band,
Sounding good as they can be.

You know I can't be found,
But if you look around,
Tomorrow we'll be gone by dawn.

Tattoo'd Lady,
Bearded baby,
They're my family.

When I was lonely,
Something told me, where,
I could always be.

Where I could,
Wish for pennies,
If we had any.
You'd meet me down,
At the shooting gallery.
Tattoo'd lady........

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Mots-clef : Rory Gallagher, blues, rock, guitar, live, video

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